Dear Church Family,
I have an exciting update about our anti-racism work. On Tuesday, March 22, the Church Council met to review the report and consider the recommendations of the Anti-Racism Task Force (ART Force). As you will remember, the ART Force was created by the Church Council in 2020. It was directed to identify ways in which our church contributes to systems of racism and anti-racism, and to present recommendations to the Church Council on how to become an anti-racist church. After reviewing the report, and at the recommendation of the ART Force, all present members of the Church Council voted to create a new standing committee to advance not just our anti-racism work, but all of our anti-oppression work as we name it in our Welcome Statement. This is the next step on a long journey that we know is just beginning. In the next few weeks, the Church Council will invite the congregation to one or more Visioning Sessions to allow the congregation to hear the ART Force presentation, share what excites you, what concerns you, and vision together about the anti-oppression work that is yet to come. The ART Force report itself is now available on the church website here, and paper copies are available in the church office. I want to thank the ART Force for their incredible, important, and holy work: Caleb Parker (chair), Jennifer Shingleton, Ginny Ghezzo, Craige Summers, Kerry Averette, Jackson Carroll, Haven Biddix, Fuller Sasser, Jr., Angie Hong, in collaboration with ministry team members Heather Rodrigues, Garrett Rocha, and Jennifer Ingold Asbill. I look forward to continuing the journey with you. Blessings, Will Shingleton 2022 Church Council Chair Comments are closed.