Our Welcome Statement
As our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to love and accept every person, Duke Memorial United Methodist Church welcomes into our life together those of every age, race, ethnic background, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, family or socioeconomic status, educational background, and physical or mental ability. In our commitment to the reconciliation of all persons as beloved children of God, we celebrate our diversity and recognize the sacred worth and dignity of all. We invite you to join us in our faith journey toward discipleship in Christ with mutual respect, understanding, and love. |
Anti-RacismWe proclaim simply and surely, "Black Lives Matter."
Duke Memorial is committed to the work of anti-racism and will continue to "love, listen, learn, and leverage" as a congregation so that we may live fully into God's call of justice and peace. |
LGBTQIADuke Memorial is committed to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA identified persons. We celebrate the decisions at General Conference 2024 to remove harmful language and punishments around Queerness in the United Methodist Church.
Disability Justice and AccessibilityOur congregation is actively working toward accessibility and care. If you have any access needs or requests please email [email protected]
Captions: Our left screen in the Sanctuary is dedicated to live captions to make our service accessible to everyone. Captions can also be accessed on your mobile device in English, French, and Spanish. |
Our Mission
Sharing the love of Christ from the heart of Durham
Our Vision
Duke Memorial United Methodist Church is a Christ-centered, vibrant and vital congregation, a sign and foretaste of God’s kingdom in downtown Durham, that
Invites and accepts unconditionally all who seek community and a place to belong; encourages and guides people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior;
Responds to God in dynamic, hopeful worship through proclaiming God’s word, celebrating the sacraments, offering praise through music, song, and dance, and lifting our voices in prayer and thanksgiving; learn more →
Nurtures spiritual growth and discipleship in children, youth, and adults through engaging Christian education and warm and caring fellow-ship; learn more →
Bears witness to Christ’s love through members’ daily life and work, in family life, and in acts of justice, service, and compassion to our siblings in this community and around the globe. learn more →
Responds to God in dynamic, hopeful worship through proclaiming God’s word, celebrating the sacraments, offering praise through music, song, and dance, and lifting our voices in prayer and thanksgiving; learn more →
Nurtures spiritual growth and discipleship in children, youth, and adults through engaging Christian education and warm and caring fellow-ship; learn more →
Bears witness to Christ’s love through members’ daily life and work, in family life, and in acts of justice, service, and compassion to our siblings in this community and around the globe. learn more →