Reconciliation Decision
Dear Church Family:
For several months, we have been in a time of discernment regarding how we welcome LGBTQ individuals in our community and our church. In July, we adopted a new Welcome Statement which expresses our welcome to all persons, including those of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This fall, the Church Council invited the congregation to consider joining the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) as a way to further express that commitment. We write to you today to share the congregation’s decision.
Church Council agreed that joining RMN would require approval by at least 80% of the professing members at Duke Memorial who filled out a discernment card on November 15th or 22nd. Recognizing the importance of our affiliate and associate members, non-voting clergy, regular attendees and visitors in this congregation, Council also invited anyone who wished to participate to fill out a non-member discernment card. While the non-member cards did not influence the final decision, the Council agreed they would help us get a broad view of the congregation’s feelings on this issue.
The results of the process are as follows:
For several months, we have been in a time of discernment regarding how we welcome LGBTQ individuals in our community and our church. In July, we adopted a new Welcome Statement which expresses our welcome to all persons, including those of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This fall, the Church Council invited the congregation to consider joining the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) as a way to further express that commitment. We write to you today to share the congregation’s decision.
Church Council agreed that joining RMN would require approval by at least 80% of the professing members at Duke Memorial who filled out a discernment card on November 15th or 22nd. Recognizing the importance of our affiliate and associate members, non-voting clergy, regular attendees and visitors in this congregation, Council also invited anyone who wished to participate to fill out a non-member discernment card. While the non-member cards did not influence the final decision, the Council agreed they would help us get a broad view of the congregation’s feelings on this issue.
The results of the process are as follows:
- We received 234 discernment cards from members; of these, 172 (74 %) supported joining RMN, and 62 (26 %) opposed joining RMN at this time.
- Based on these percentages, we have not met the required 80% threshold. Therefore, Church Council will not move forward with joining RMN at this time.
- We received 44 discernment cards from non-members; of these, 39 (89%) supported joining RMN, and 5 (11 %) opposed joining RMN at this time.
- When all discernment cards (member and non-member) are added together, the total percent in favor of joining RMN is [76%], and the total opposed is [24%].
- All of these results will be discussed at the next Church Council meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 7:00 pm. As always, all are welcome to attend Church Council meetings as observers.
These results will bring mixed emotions, all of which are valid. As a church family and the body of Christ, we must acknowledge our diversity of perspective and seek ways to extend the love of Christ to all people as we live into our Welcome Statement. We must continue to love each other, as Christ loves us, and to bear witness to “the breadth and length, the height and depth of the love of Jesus Christ our Lord” (Ephesians 3:18-19).
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Reconciliation Task Force for their guidance over the past 18 months, to the staff for their assistance, to the congregation for their participation, and to our church leaders for their wisdom throughout the process. Let us continue to pray and discern how best to serve and love one another and our city, so that all who come to Duke Memorial are nurtured, sanctified, and loved.
Let us pray:
Most Merciful Lord, send your heavenly blessings upon this your Church, that all members may dwell together in unity and love. Keep us from all self-will and discord that, in all our words and deeds, we may seek your glory and the advancement of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BOW #502)
Rev. Heather Rodrigues, Pastor
Gary Boyd, Church Council Chair
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Reconciliation Task Force for their guidance over the past 18 months, to the staff for their assistance, to the congregation for their participation, and to our church leaders for their wisdom throughout the process. Let us continue to pray and discern how best to serve and love one another and our city, so that all who come to Duke Memorial are nurtured, sanctified, and loved.
Let us pray:
Most Merciful Lord, send your heavenly blessings upon this your Church, that all members may dwell together in unity and love. Keep us from all self-will and discord that, in all our words and deeds, we may seek your glory and the advancement of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BOW #502)
Rev. Heather Rodrigues, Pastor
Gary Boyd, Church Council Chair