Duke Memorial with Pride
Join Duke Memorial UMC as we stand, march, and worship together with our LGBTQ siblings during Pride weekend. March with us in the Pride parade and/or join us for our third annual Queerly Beloved worship in downtown Durham.
Join the Pride ParadeSunday, September 29rd at 11:00am
Join the Queerly Beloved of Duke Memorial, allies, and other United Methodist Churches as we participate together in the Pride Parade. If you wish to march in the parade with Duke Memorial, meet in the back parking lot of Duke Memorial at 10:15 am to walk to Duke East Campus with Mick Raynor. If you wish to watch the parade, or if you will be coming directly from Sunday School, meet at the Church at 10:50 to walk over to the parade with Katie Diaz. |
Worship Service | Queerly BelovedSunday, September 29th at 5:30 pm
On September 29th, Sunday School will occur in the 9:45-10:30am Sunday School hour. Worship on the 29th will be at 5:30 pm at Epworth UMC. Join in person for a beautiful and empowering service “Led by Queer People, for Queer People, and Welcoming All.” We are so excited to offer this unique, community-led worship service again during the 2024 Durham PRIDE weekend. |
New? Tell us more.We value building relationships across lines of difference, shared hobbies, passions, talents, and seasons of life. We hope to connect with you and one another inside and outside the church building.
Support the LGBTQ Center of DurhamToday’s offering will be given to the LGBTQ Center of Durham, in support of their mission to support LGBTQ+ people through services, programming, resources, and support networks that centers their wellbeing and allows them to thrive.