DMUMC Youth Basketball YMCA Church League Teams
Beginning in the early 1960s through the 1980s, Duke Memorial had youth basketball teams playing in the YMCA Church leagues, competing against other Church organizations. The 4 or 5 different teams were organized by ages and at the end of each season a Basketball Recognition night was held by the Methodist Men Sunday School class. This banquet would honor the players and coaches and in 1973, Dick Boddie donated funds to redesign the Sportmanship Trophies, changing them to the Most Valuable Player of each team. This award was voted on by basketball team members.
DMUMC’s historical records has MVP award winners from the 1970-71 season:
In the historical records, not every Basketball Recognition Night had a list of award winners. A Guest Speaker was included during these banquets, which was a Coach or Player from Duke University. In 1974, Duke Basketball Player Bill Suk spoke. In 1975, Duke Coach Leo Hart was scheduled to speak, but due to an accident requiring 11 stitches in his tongue, President Robert C. Cox, Sr. (a long-time Duke coach) spoke instead. Chairman of The Legacy Committee Fuller Sasser remembers playing in the Church Basketball League with his brother Louie. One Championship game, at halftime, Coach Forester gave all players new socks to wear. This inspired the players in the second half and the team won the Championship. At a different game, Fuller recalls playing a game on his brother’s birthday. Their Mom served the team a birthday breakfast of peaches with honey. After winning the game, one of the players, Andy Jones, had his mom get the recipe for the peaches and honey, because he was sure that was the key to victory. |
Duke Memorial Basket Ball Team 1958
Back row middle - Ray Cox, to his left - Bob Cox Right end - Bill Hoyle (J.V. Hoyle's son) #9 - Bob Cowan |